January 24   The United States Department of Homeland Security officially begins operation. October 7   California governor Gray Davis is recalled from office and replaced by Arnold Schwarzenegger. November 4   The largest-ever solar flare is recorded. November 17   Arnold Schwarzenegger is inaugurated as Governor of California. December 17   The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King is released worldwide. February 1   The Space Shuttle Columbia crashes. March 19   The invasion of Iraq begins April 28   Apple’s iTunes Music Store opens, selling 1 million songs in its first week. June 16   The famous fighting families, the Hatfield’s and McCoys, make peace. June 21   Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is published. July 20   Rookie Ben Curtis, ranked 396th in the world, wins the British Open on his first try. August 27   Mars makes its closest approach to Earth in nearly 60,000 years. September 8   12-year-old Brianna LaHara is sued for sharing music illegally.

Class of 2003